Saturday, August 22, 2009

back from business travel in Houston (weather worthy of only the strong with heat index of 110 degrees), and right into brick training with the team. we have actually reached the peak training period - the time when we train intensely for long intervals for 2 weeks pulling together all we have been working towards; then afterwards - the time when we ratchet it down for race day (only 3 weeks away!)

at this brick session, we did less mileage on the bike, but increased the run mileage afterwards. so i did a 20 mile bike, and a 4 mile run. and i did it! 4 miles, and still felt like i cold do another 2 if i needed to which would be race distance. now - of course fall temperatures have come earlier, and that has been a huge factor in how i am feeling during my training. so let's hope that race day temps are cool!

i am not sure how i am feeling, and i am not sure how i expected to feel at this point. i suppose i thought i would feel like wonderwoman or something - having everything coming easier....i don't know. i am definately a lot stronger, and all the hill training on the bike and run have proven unbelievably effective in increasing my strength, speed and endurance.

i will tell you what else - those ice baths really work. i actually look forward to them in a wierd way while training. as painful as they are, they are soothing on the legs at the same time. i have also mastered the best way to stay "warm" while icing - wear a hat, scarf, and pategonia capelline on the top while sipping a warm beverage. today - 2, 20 bags of ice, and water to the top of the hip bone for 15 minutes.

almost there - and strong to the finish! Go TEAM!

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